about shweebee

What is SHWEEBEE you ask??  It's a brand new frisbee-based game that will elevate your lawn/party gatherings to the “next” level.  Played with two teams of two, it’s something of a mix between Can Jam, Corn Hole, and Polish Horseshoes — but its the patented “spring” action pop-tops that distinguishes SHWEEBEE from anything your lawn has ever seen before… 

The brain-child of Clint Bierman (better known as guitarist and leader of “The Grift” band), Clint brought SHWEEBEE to his friend and neighbor, Paul Choiniere, who lent his machining expertise to the effort.  Together they fine-tuned and party-tested many prototypes built in Paul’s barn. Clint then introduced the game to his long-time music collaborator, Greg Naughton (The Sweet Remains), who fell instantly in love with the game and joined the partnership in 2023.

Fully hand-crafted in VT, SHWEEBEE’s “stage one” manufacturing was completed in August 2024 and will be introduced first at a series of special events and tournaments throughout Vermont in 2024 and 2025.

If you’d like to attend a tournament, start a tournament, buy a Shweebee set, or send us any interesting feedback, please hit the “contact” page here.  We’d love to hear from you.  And be sure to enter your email on the home page form  so we can keep you informed as we roll out the SHWEEBEE…!

Clint, Paul & Greg